ICONICS Webinar: SSP Extensions Explorer
The new SSP Extensions Explorer will be launched as part of the ICONICS webinar series. Researchers at IIASA have been working on a new tool that gathers more than a dozen quantitative extensions to the SSP framework, which have emerged in the literature since the publication of the original set of drivers. This collection now spans a broad range of socio-economic indicators, from extreme poverty to gender equality.
The new tool aims to create a user- and model-friendly interface that is meant to be a one-stop shop for accessing the SSP extensions and a platform that facilitates a conversation on the next generation of scenarios.
ICONICS is seeking to use this opportunity to collect first feedback from the community, learn about the potentially missed datasets, and discuss further development.
ICONICS webinar on the SSP Extensions Explorer of February 29th, 2024, 15:00 CET
Presentation and live tutorial of the SSP Extensions Explorer (Marina Andrijevic, Deepak Shah and Michaela Werning) – 30 minutes
Feedback and discussion (moderated by Bas van Ruijven) – 30 minutes
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