WILIAM – Within Limits Integrated Assessment Model
- Geographical scope:Regional
- Model type:Integrated Assessment Model
- Time horizon:2005-2060
- Initial Release:2023
- Institution(s):LOCOMOTION project - University of Valladolid (The Group of Energy, Economy and System Dynamics – GEEDS) – Project coordinator (Spain), University of Pisa (Italy), Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (Croatia), Austrian Energy Agency (Austria), Basque Centre for Climate Change (Spain), Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research (Austria), University of Iceland (Iceland), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Foundation (Greece), United Nations University/Institute for Environment and Human Security (Japan), Association for the Investigation and Development of Sciences (Portugal), European Environmental Bureau (Belgium), Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (Spain), CARTIF Technology Centre (Spain), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)
- Link to model wiki page:
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The WILIAM model (Within Limits Integrated Assessment Model) is a new IAM in the final stage of development within the H2020-LOCOMOTION project. WILIAM is a system dynamics developed model that has been designed based on MEDEAS models to address constraints in the field of IAMs. System dynamics allows capturing complex feedback loops and non-linear relationships between social, economic and environmental variables. WILIAM is composed of 8 modules: (1) demography, (2) society, (3) economy, (4) finance, (5) energy, (6) materials, (7) land and water, and (8) climate.
WILIAM starts simulating in 2005 and generally simulates until 2060, although the simulation horizon can be extended to 2100. WILIAM is a multi-regional model developed for 9 regions (EU27, UK, USMCA, China, Russia, India, EASOC, LATAM and LROW).
The ultimate goal is to apply WILIAM to explore thesocial, economic and environmental implications of long-term socio-ecological transition pathways at both global and regional scales, taking into account planetary boundaries as well as socio-economic constraints. The validation of the models has been carried out following several of the usual model validation procedures in system dynamics.