First PEGASOS Workshop – Frontiers in modeling fossil fuels phase-out and stranded assets: a political economy perspective
The workshop will be held on the 17th – 18th of February 2020 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), in Potsdam, Germany.
The workshop will be hosted by MCC, PIK, WWU and DIW and takes place within the PEGASOS project, which analyzes the political economy of a global coal phase-out. The project is financed by the German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF) as part of the funding program Economics of Climate Change II.
The objective of the workshop is to discuss how current and emerging modeling approaches can aid our understanding of low carbon transitions, stranded assets, and their associated political economy. In addition, we will explore how potential synergies between different modeling approaches can be exploited to provide a more comprehensive policy-oriented guidance.
Please find here a preliminary agenda of the event. The first two sessions are aimed especially at stakeholders, while the following sessions are devoted to modeling approaches. A more detailed agenda will follow.
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send an email to Francesca Diluiso ( by Friday, 17 January 2020.