International Summer School in Global Just Transition: Equity in Net Zero
Building on their experience of delivering engaging training and development activities and to maximise impact, the UK Energy Research Center is pleased to announce it will be hosting an international, week-long event on a global just transition and equity in net zero in Newcastle, 19-24 June 2023, in conjunction with seven other research consortia and institutions: HI-ACT, Supergen Energy Networks Hub, the Energy Transitions Centre Cambridge, IDLES, the Faraday Institution, CREDS, and the Energy Research Accelerator.
The event will be an engaging mix of lectures and skills-based workshops, along with networking opportunities. It will also include a focus on a problem-based scenario developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, the output from which will support real life decision making and solutions. The programme will also include social events and site visits to maximise opportunities for attendees to interact with each other and develop networks with like-minded individuals.