IEA-ETSAP Webinar on VRES in TIMES models
IEA-ETSAP Energy Systems Analysis Webinars
ETSAP Webinar Series No 6
30th March 2021, 13.00 – 14.00 CET
Topic 1: Stochastic Modelling of VRES in TIMES
Pernille Seljom, IFE
In this webinar an approach which models the short-term uncertainty of the generation of VRES explicitly will be presented. The presentation will provide a guideline on how to model the uncertain characteristics of wind power, PV and hydropower generation by a two-stage stochastic modelling approach in TIMES with a demonstration in VEDA. This involves demonstrating stochastic parameters, scenario files, model run settings and corresponding results.
Topic 2: Modelling high VRES with hourly TS resolution, unit commitment, dispatch and
capacity expansion in TIMES
James Glynn, SFI-MaREI
This approach explicitly models the hourly variations and fluctuating resource dynamics of wind, solar
and hydro availability, integrated with the unit commitment (UC) constraints of dispatch fossil
generation power plants all balanced with short term and long-term demand variations and fluctuations
with capacity expansion. The approach captures the energy system requirements for system flexibility,
demand load shifting in the power and electro-mobility sectors as well as intra-day and intra-seasonal
energy storage in batteries, pumped hydro storage and hydrogen production and consumption. The
webinar section will provide guidance on how to explicitly optimise the characteristics of wind power,
solar and hydropower generation at hourly resolution with unit commitment and dispatch with a
demonstration in VEDA2.
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