A webinar on SENSES toolkit for climate change scenario services
Climate Change Scenario Services (SENSES) Webinar
29 June 2020, 14-15:30 CET
The webinar will introduce a new toolkit for bringing climate change scenarios to a broad set of users.
In times of high volatility and complexity a new generation of climate change scenarios support strategic planning for decision makers: transition scenarios investigate multiple options to mitigate climate change and impact projections help to assess physical risk in the face of climate change.
The SENSES Toolkit is designed to make the new generation of climate change scenarios more comprehensible and accessible for a broader audience. It was co-developed together with stakeholders from policy, NGOs and the finance sector. In the webinar, we will introduce the SENSES toolkit as an example of climate change scenario services for, among others:
- climate policy makers
- regional climate scenario users
- businesses, particularly financial businesses
Elmar Kriegler (PIK Potsdam)
Cornelia Auer (PIK Potsdam)
Francesca Morini (FH Potsdam)
Christoph Bertram (PIK Potsdam)
Bas van Ruijven (IIASA Laxenburg)
Volker Krey (IIASA Laxenburg)
Jan Volkholz (PIK Potsdam)
Simona Pedde (Wageningen University)
Registration form (deadline 26 June)
Further information:
Press release
Project page