26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
The 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis on “Broadening Engagement in a Resilient and Sustainable International Trading System” (GTAP) will be held at Université de Bordeaux on June 14-16, 2023.
The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis of global economic issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on applied general equilibrium methods, data, and application. Related theoretical and applied work is also welcome.
The overall theme of the conference is “Broadening Engagement in a Resilient and Sustainable International Trading System” with subthemes on:
- Handling sudden global disruptions (pandemic, war)
- Handling slow onset disasters (climate change and biodiversity loss)
- Innovation strategies of socio economic factors
- Inequalities between and within countries
- Globalization dynamics and financial markets
Abstract and session proposal submission deadline: 15 January 2023.