2023 Doctoral Student Participatory Workshop on Climate & Energy Decision Making
On May 17-18, 2023, Carnegie Mellon University will host a workshop for PhD students and post-docs working on the technical and behavioral aspects of climate mitigation, adaption, resilience, and deep decarbonization to present their work, meet other young investigators, and exchange ideas on these complex problems.
Developing effective solutions to problems in climate and energy decision-making often requires the convergence of deep natural science and engineering analysis with the tools and insights of modern behavioral social science, and legal and regulatory analysis. This workshop is open to PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows (as well as their faculty) who are working at such an interface. The workshop will give selected participants an opportunity to present their work, participate in small-group workshops on a variety of topics, meet other young investigators, and exchange ideas on these complex problems.
Interested applicants can apply here. The application will close on March 17, 2023.
If you have questions, please contact Lucas Valone at lvalone@andrew.cmu.edu or Granger Morgan at granger.morgan@andrew.cmu.edu