Advisory Council September Meeting Update
One of the important pathways by which the IAMC Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) receives input is through interactions with its Advisory Council (AC). The IAMC’S SSC consulted with its AC Thursday September 8, 2022, to discuss the following issues: upcoming IAMC Annual Meeting, progress toward expanded engagement of researchers in developing countries, and IAMC work to inform the Paris Agreement’s Global Stock Take and other decision makers.
The 2022 IAMC Annual Meeting will be the first post-Covid crisis meeting. It will be held hybrid in-person and virtual, thus requiring a significant financial effort. The SSC discussed the need for a new long-term financial and funding plan with the AC for the next annual meetings. AC recommendations for topics and speakers were collected to shape the 2022 Annual Meeting’s plenary sessions.
Expanding Engagement in Developing Economies: discussion noted important contributions large IAM teams have in reaching out to developing economy collaborators. More efforts will be put to involve members resident in Africa or the Middle East.
Finally, an update on IAMC member activities intended to inform important decision maker communities such as the Global Stocktake, National and international assessments (e.g., IPCC), Climate Finance, and national decision making was delivered. An important topic in the conversation was the need for national programs to better coordinate to improve the overall quality of assessments.