- This event has passed.
Thirteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2020
December 1, 2020 @ 12:30 pm - December 4, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
The meeting Time Zone is UTC.
The Thirteenth IAMC Annual Meeting will be held online, as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak. This is an opportunity for the IAMC community to explore other ways of facilitating scientific collaboration and discussing research whilst also reducing the ecological footprint of similar events. IAMC is committed to convert this crisis in an opportunity and invites its community to participate this year’s Annual Meeting.
The Thirteenth Annual Meeting will take place on December 1st-4th, 2020.
The meeting Time Zone is UTC. On December, 1st the event is expected to start at 12.30pm UTC.
- Annual Meeting Purpose
- Call for abstracts
- Selected Focus Topics
- Programme – Download Programme – Slides and video recordings
- Guidelines for presenters and chairs
- Registration guidelines
- Participants’ List
- Group Photo
- Evaluation Questionnaire – Closed
- Important dates
- Information
The Thirteen IAMC Annual Meeting is organised with the support of the European Commission – DG CLIMA who provided financial support to subsidise registration fees to a selection of modellers. |
Annual Meeting Purpose
The purpose of IAMC Annual Meetings is to:
- present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modeling;
- review the status of ongoing community activities including both multi-model studies and the activities of the IAMC Scientific Working Groups;
- facilitate interaction with collaborating communities;
- evaluate and revisit the priorities of the integrated assessment community.
The IAMC annual meeting is a scientific meeting intended for peer sharing and vetting. The meeting is open to researchers from organizations involved in integrated assessment modelling and their research collaborators. The meeting is designed to allow researchers to share developments in methods, models and data. The meeting is not intended for the general public or press. Individual researchers are free to share their findings with the press as they wish outside of the meeting. But, at the meeting itself participants are expecting to be able to freely discuss their work off the record. Hence, press-related activities, including filming and direct quotes, are not appropriate for this meeting.
Call for abstracts
Submissions are now closed.
The IAMC solicits abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the following selected research topics:
- Assessment of impacts of COVID-19 and crisis recovery packages
- Assessment of deep mitigation scenarios, including the use of carbon dioxide removal
- Assessment of national mitigation efforts, including contributions to the UNFCCC stocktake process
- Assessment of Sustainable Development Strategies, including evaluation of SDGs and analysis of the energy-water-land nexus
- Economic assessment of climate policy, including the distribution of impacts for different societal groups
- Feasibility of socio-technical energy/land transitions – representation in IAM research.
- Modelling of energy demand, lifestyle change and radical energy efficiency improvements
- Advanced modelling of electricity system and renewable energy (including sector coupling)
- Integrated assessment of pathways to carbon neutrality in industry / buildings / transport
- Integrated assessment of land-based mitigation
- Integrated assessment of climate change impacts, including adaptation
- Methodological issues (uncertainty analysis, new programming languages, presentation tools etc).
- Further elaboration of the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP) and updates of existing quantifications
- “Game-changer” scenarios: Scenarios focusing on game-changing technologies and practices, including Artificial Intelligence.
- Representation of the climate system and implications of new climate research insights (including carbon budgets)
Abstract submissions can be made by filling the following submission form.
Abstracts should include 600-1000 words and 1-3 figures, as well as a summary with a maximum of 100 words. Please ensure that the methodological approach and results of the study are sufficiently well described. Multiple submissions are allowed. It is, however, good practice in IAMC conferences to accept only one talk per person (in case a selection needs to be made).
The initial deadline for abstracts submissions was August 15th, 2020. As some people encountered difficulties in submitting their proposal to the Thirteenth IAMC Annual Meeting – as for many the deadline coincided with the days of the summer holidays – we decided to keep the submission system open for some extra days. Submission procedure will therefore close on Friday, August 21st, 2020 (midnight CET).
The selected focus topics for the meeting are described below. The meeting’s organizing committee will assign topics to parallel sessions and the poster session based on the number and quality of submitted abstracts. Poster abstracts on other topics different from the selection will also be considered.
Selected Focus Topics
For the 2020 Annual Meeting, we have selected 15 focus areas for submissions for oral presentations. Based on the submissions, we formulate different parallel sessions that will allow for presentations covering the submissions in these focus areas. For the poster session, we encourage submissions in the focus areas as well, but welcome submissions on other topics.
- Assessment of impacts of COVID-19 and crisis recovery packages. This session will discuss IAM analysis of the (long-term) consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the proposed recovery packages.
- Assessment of deep mitigation scenarios, including the use of carbon dioxide removal. This session will focus on (the consequences of) mitigation scenarios aimed at stringent mitigation targets, consistent with the Paris Agreement. This includes the use of carbon dioxide removal.
- Assessment of national mitigation strategies. This session will focus on assessment of the effectiveness and consequences of climate policies at the national scale, including implementation of nationally determined contributions and mid-century strategies.
- Assessment of Sustainable Development Strategies. This session will look into scenarios aiming to reach multiple SDGs and analysis of the energy-water-land nexus.
- Economic assessment of climate policy, including the distribution of impacts for different societal groups. This session will focus on the economic consequences of mitigation actions for different sectors and societal groups. This can also include the comparison of costs and benefits of mitigation (including co-benefits) and the Social Cost of Carbon.
- Feasibility of socio-technical energy/land transitions – representation in IAM research. This session will address the question of how to combine insights from social-technical transition research and IAM modelling. One of the relevant topics here can be how to deal with different forms of feasibility (technical, economic but also socially or politically).
- Modelling of energy demand, lifestyle change and radical energy efficiency improvements. This session will focus on modelling energy demand and the role of efficiency improvement. Also attention will be paid to the role of behavioral change, and its representation in IAM models.
- Advanced modelling of the electricity system and renewable energy (including sector coupling). Renewable energy is playing an increasingly important role in mitigation strategies – but this also has implications for the way IAM represents the power sector. This session will discuss progress in this area.
- Integrated assessment of pathways to carbon neutrality in industry / buildings / transport. The Paris Agreement implies that global carbon neutrality is achieved around the middle of the century. This session will look into mitigation pathways for end-use sectors focussed at reaching zero emissions.
- Integrated assessment of land-based mitigation. This session will focus on the pros and cons of land-based mitigation measures such as bio-energy, reforestation and avoiding deforestation.
- Integrated assessment of climate change impacts, including adaptation. This session will focus on modelling climate impacts in integrated assessment models. Special attention will be paid to the representation of adaptation in IAMs.
- Methodological issues (uncertainty analysis, new programming languages, presentation tools etc). This session will specifically look at various methodological issues related to IAMs including transparency, presentation tools, model solvers, representation of complex policies and model evaluation.
- Further elaboration of the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP) and updates of existing quantifications. This session will focus on updates of the SSP scenarios and extensions of the SSPs in various areas and across scales, for example development of national and regional scenarios and their association with appropriate SSP domains.
- “Game-changer” scenarios: Scenarios focusing on game-changing technologies and practices, including Artificial Intelligence. This session will focus on the modelling of disruptive technologies and social trends. This could, for instance, include the impact of advanced batteries, artificial intelligence, digitalization and other major technology breakthroughs.
- Representation of the climate system and implications of new climate research insights (including carbon budgets). This session will focus on small climate models that are used in IAMs to represent the carbon cycle and climate system dynamics. It will also focus on new insights on carbon budgets. Finally, the session will look into the implications of deep uncertainty in climate outcomes for climate policy.
As per its tradition, the Annual Meeting will provide space for plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and poster presentations; however, its format may undergo some changes to better adapt to the online format. For instance, the presentations in parallel sessions will be shorter (15 minutes). Moreover, the conference will be scheduled for about 5 hours per day (around 12:00-17:00 UTC) finding a compromise between different time zones. Parallel sessions will focus on cutting edge integrated assessment model development and research; they are organized thematically, potentially including some invited presentations, and a group discussion of research priorities. Poster sessions are open to poster presentations covering any topic of interest (with posters grouped thematically); they offer a unique opportunity for in-depth conversations about new work.
Guidelines for presenters and chairs
All presenters are kindly invited to provide the IAMC Secretariat with a photo (or an avatar) to be included in the list of the speakers. The size must be minimum 180×180 pixel. The deadline for that is November 25th.
Oral sessions
Each paper was allocated 15 minutes: 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Presenters are invited to keep to this allocated time (which will be strictly enforced).
Each 10-minute presentation can be performed live or in pre-recorded format. Those presenters who opt for the pre-recorded format are kindly invited to send to iamc@iamconsortium.org their videos in .mp4 format by November 25th. In any case, Q&A will take place live.
Presenters who agree to that will have their presentations recorded and made available after the event. Please note that the recording will be restricted to presentations: discussions will not be recorded. Presenters are invited to inform iamc@iamconsortium.org if they agree or disagree that their presentation be recorded and made available through the IAMC channels after the event by November 25th.
Presenters who would like to have their papers or their presentations uploaded in the event online platform, please send them to iamc@iamconsortium.org in PDF format. Files received by November 25th will be uploaded in the platform in time for the Annual Meeting. Files received after this date (including after the event) will be uploaded as soon as possible.
Video session guide for Speakers
Poster sessions
Poster presenters are invited to send to the IAMC Secretariat at iamc@iamconsortium.org their poster in PDF format by November 25th.
Posters will be uploaded it in the online platform that will host the event.
All the posters will be displayed throughout the entire Annual Meeting, so that all those who want to see them can do so anytime during the event.
For the preparation of the poster, there is no format to be used. However, portrait orientation is suggested.
During the live poster session, a virtual room will be organised for each poster. Poster presenters will enter an individual video chatroom for the duration of their poster session, and people interested in their poster will be able to join and discuss it with presenters. It will work – as much as possible – like an in-presence poster session.
Registration guidelines
Registrations are now closed.
All participants in the IAMC Annual Meeting must register by filling in the registration form.
Fees categories | Registration fee |
Fee wave – Local Organising Committee Members | € 0,00 |
Fee wave – Plenary Speakers (1) | € 0,00 |
Reduced fee – Residents in Low Income, Lower-Middle Income, and Upper-middle income economies (2) | € 15,00 |
Reduced fee – Students (3) | € 15,00 |
IAMC Members fee | € 30,00 |
Full fee – Non IAMC Members | € 45,00 |
(1) Plenary Speakers external to the Consortium
(2) Residents in Low Income, Lower-Middle Income, and Upper-middle income economies in accordance to the definition provided by the World Bank.
(3) Students are requested to prove their status of student by e-mailing to iamc@iamconsortium.org a note from their department on letterhead or a copy of their Student ID Card (valid for the membership year) or the URL of the webpage run within the official website of their department in which they are mentioned as students.
Cancellation policy. Registration can be cancelled upon written notification to iamc@iamconsortium.org. No refunds of the registration fees will be given for cancellation requests received after November 15th, 2020.
Participants’ List
Group Photo
Evaluation Questionnaire
Submissions are now closed.
Please send us your feedback on the Meeting to help us improving next editions by filling the evaluation questionnaire.
Important dates
15 AUG Deadline for submissions
21 AUG Extended deadline for submissions
30 SEP Notifications of evaluation of submissions will be sent after September 30th; registration will open
23 OCT Deadline by which presenting authors must register in order for their papers to be included in the programme
1 NOV The scientific programme will be released after November 1st
15 NOV No refunds of the registration fees will be given for cancellation requests received after November 15th, 2020.
25 NOV Deadline by which presenters should send pre-recorded .mp4 video presentations (optional), .pdf of presentations and posters, authorization for recording sessions,.and photo or avatar to the IAMC Secretariat
27 NOV Registrations close
1-4 DEC Annual Meeting
For any questions, please contact the IAMC Secretariat at iamc@iamconsortium.org.
photo credits @digitalpardoe – Unsplash